










In Mt. Wuyi's jungle deep place, once was living in the past one kind of body weight only four, 52 (are approximately equal to 120~150 grams) the monkey. The big like fist, the wool makes the golden color, two items have the light sparkling, can coil in the pen container rests. Sets at between the writing desk, wants to cause to grind ink, then buckles the document several, the monkey namely exerts however the news to leave, kneels Yu Yanpang, holds the ink before two to rub it fully. Causes it to stop, namely stops. Sees several waxing ants, namely seizes food it, does not have or escaping. And can pull up weeds in the pot between seizes the insect. The Mexican monkey rests in the pen container, as soon as hears grinds ink, then jumps, is waiting, when the human finished the character, put on the pen, licked on inkstone Yu Mo, still jumped in the pen container to go. This will be any micro-organism can rest unexpectedly in the pen container also will grind ink licks the ink it will be the ink monkey, in the ancient times, it was writer's pet, could help to turn the book, to hand over the paper, to take the pen, to grind ink. It likes staying the pen container and the drawer, so long as feeds by the peanut and the soybean namely can survive gets down. Once had the archaeologist to discover in Mt. Wuyi before is considered already the extinction, the body weight only more than 200 grams, small like mouse, clever intelligent. According to the Qing Dynasty "Mt. Wuyi Will": “the treasure monkey is exquisite, greatly only like palm”. “treasure monkey” Jimo monkey. The build exquisite, intelligent clever, is with good intention the pen monkey, was the ancient times writer's pet. It also has a name to be called the ink monkey, because can help the master to grind ink acquires fame. Once the pen monkey has been tired, will drill to the big pen container in rests, or will drill to the drawer corner in sleeps. So long as the master slightly executes the peanut, the legumes, the nut, can maintain its survival. Ancient times the reason that the writer liked raising the pen monkey; first, because it was precious, and easy to raise; Second, its group of masters grind ink, hand over the diligent vigor which the paper funny, clever and the hands and feet does not stop, alleviated the pain which greatly the ancient times writer engaged in scholarship and lonely. In the Qing Dynasty Daoguang block-printed book "the Mt. Wuyi Will", has “the descendants of princes to resemble the monkey, but is small, greatly only like fist” record. Song generation of renowned principle scientist Zhu Xi wrote a book and established a theory when the Wuyi lecture hall has raised one monkey which seized from the mountain. This monkey, the height like penstock, the body weight insufficient half catty, the natural disposition is smart, teases to like. After the Zhu Xi pains domestication, listens to the master to direct really. In the studio, Zhu Xi studies, its well-mannered sits in the pen container “listens in reverent attention”; Zhu Xi wants to write an article, it jumps down the pen container to rub diligently grinds the ink; The master goes out, it is honest, the tiny step does not move guards the studio, does not let the stranger enter. In such clever pocket-sized monkey world rare, no wonder Qing Dynasty Li like the dragon writes poetry commended: “Wuyi pen monkey time of preciousness.”




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